white remote

Control Human with IoT Devices

Disciplined by a robot should be a choice.

‘Easy productivity boost exists here!’ is this era’s most extensive marketing campaign.

I agreed that there is a need for IoT-assisted People Management, and we should not abuse it.

As a manager, you have to manage resources; time, money, and people. Many professionals would agree that managing people is the most challenging. One reason could be that it takes a long time and much money to onboard people or motivate them to be productive.

People are hardly changed, but the environment and the competitive arena quickly change. Therefore, there is a constant lag between the new implementation of significant change and the people in the organization. People are also a depreciating asset; if not managed accordingly.

This is not new, and many people are already in line to do it themselves.

Smartphones and computers have ways to influence and control your behavior. Some go beyond that to wear multiple wearable intelligent devices that tell them exactly how they should behave throughout the day, like a smartwatch, smart necklace, smart cloth, etc.

“People who say they’re concerned with security will do very insecure things,” Robert W. Proctor, a Purdue University’s Department of Psychological Sciences professor, said. “It doesn’t match up very well.” Read more here: Link

The theory lies behind our willingness to strive in life, be more productive and achieve more within the limit of time and money.

Firms also have this wish. Normal?

The controversy is about this distinction between self-imposed and externally imposed. As an employee, you are rewarded for your time and effort; this is an obligation. The question is where to draw the line and how much a firm is allowed to control your behavior. Again, this is not at all new. At each company, there is a strict guideline of how much time you need to work and where, how you must contribute, etc.

Positive effects

  • Transparency is always the selling out for IoT devices in the management
  • This will build trust.
  • This will reward the performers.

Negative effects

  • Punishment is stressful for all employees.
  • The culture of no trust without dry proof.

Here is one example that aims to help individuals control themselves, but the public is concerned about privacy.

What is your take on this? Would you implement this solution at your firm?